pp108 : Revoking Sub-Roles from Roles

Revoking Sub-Roles from Roles

This topic describes the procedure to remove the assignment of unwanted sub-roles from roles.

Before you begin this task: You must have the role of systemAdmin or organizationalAdmin to revoke sub-roles from roles.

After assigning sub-roles to roles, if you intend to remove the unwanted sub-roles, follow the below procedures.
Navigate to CUSP > My Applications, click (User Manager) and select Roles - Roles view in the User Manager window.

  • To remove sub-roles from a single role
  1. Select a role in the Roles - <(alphabets)> pane. Corresponding sub-roles are highlighted in the Roles pane.
  2. Select the required sub-role(s), right click them and click Remove from Selected Role(s). Unwanted sub-roles are removed from the role.
  • To remove sub-roles from multiple roles
  1. Select roles in the Roles - <(alphabets)> pane. Corresponding sub-roles are highlighted in the Roles pane.
  2. Select the required sub-role(s), right click them and click Remove from Selected Role(s). Unwanted sub-roles are removed from the selected roles.

    Tip: You can select multiple roles or sub-roles by holding down the CTRL key.

Related tasks

Assigning Sub-Roles